Why personal branding is your secret weapon to get ahead in love, life and your career

Whether it is for love, your career, your job or your life in general, you will always need an introduction. What does this mean? Let’s analyze this with examples.

When you are trying to find the love of your life, you know what type of person is your ideal prospect. Right? It applies for work too. When you dream of getting a job, the human resources team know the type of employee they are looking for. With that said, would you leave it to chance that your ideal partner and work prospect find out who you are or would you prefer to build the image that you want to reflect of yourself to the world?

This is called personal branding. It is not just about a brand you want to market. It is about your presentation to the world. Who are you? What are you good at? What do you like? The definition and how you can create your personal brand can be found in this blog LAST BLOG. Let’s focus on understanding the advantages of personal branding:

  • By building your personal brand, you will undoubtedly start to separate yourself from the competition
  • You will build trust. If you reflect who you really are, with total transparency and honesty, you gain the trust of those around you
  • You will grow your network
  • In your intimate relationships, it will be easier to meet people you’re interested in and can even seem more attractive to them. By showing who you are to the world, they’ll know who you truly are.

If you want to know everything about personal branding, contact Éli.

Personal branding: how to clarify and find your ideal customer

No brand, product or service has a reason to exist without having a target audience. Personal branding is no exception. In fact, if you are clear about who you want to target, and who will consume your content, that is your ideal customer, you will be able to understand how to build your personal branding

So how do you clarify and find your ideal customer? Here are some tips that I want to share with you:

  1. You can target between 4 types of people:
  2. People
  3. Companies
  4. End consumers
  5. Dealers.
  1. Research
  2. Go ahead and ask questions. Do surveys, ask different types of people questions that may define if they would consume your products, services or content.
  3. Analyze the data. This applies both to the results you found through the investigation and what your business is for. Analyze the information your clients give you, use tools that allow you to understand their behavior.
  4. Keep an eye on your competitors
  5. Networking. This not only applies to your strategic partners, but also to your clients. It is important to keep constant contact with them to give you valuable information and feedback.
  6. And last, even though it’s hard to believe, you need to target the customers that won’t consume your products. This effort is going to allow you to identify who wants your content for research and what you should not do, so you won’t waste time or effort.

I hope these tips were helpful for you. It’s always a pleasure to create content for my audience. Let me know if you have any questions.

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